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Thursday, November 16, 2006
Change of status
I am no longer a student. I guess you could say that I'm unemployed. Heeheehee.
Today is the 16th day of the 11th month, 2006 years after the year of the Lord. I sat for my last paper of my academic life. Today, I paused and consciously savoured the moment I solemnly penned down the last full stop on my exam script.
I had flashbacks of scenes of my childhood (or babyhood). But my first vivid memories were that of nursery school and kindergarten, where I dutifully bullied the boys and refused to colour the apple on the paper. I then insisted that I did colour it - White.
Primary school was another time of not doing my homework and standing outside the class. My chinese teacher calling my mum, demerit points in The Book. We had hugs and stories from Mrs Sarada Panicker in primary 3. Ping Zhi sat beside me in class. She got me started on Enid Blyton's Noddy books, and our heads always collided painfully when we swept it down to look under the desk for the books.
Mrs Ng was always talking about some potential and capacity that she wanted us to meet in primary 4. She was also always late for class because she had a hard time walking up the stairs.
In primary 5, Mrs Lim wiped the teachers' desk every time she used it. She sat on her handkerchief when sitting on the chair, and refuses to handle money. Ms Eleanor Foo made us strip when we forgot our recorders at music class. My sister came to primary 1 when I was in P5. My chinese teacher, Lan lao-shi was my sister's form teacher loved her and hated me.
Primary 6 saw my out-of-the-blue giggles at Mrs Ho's math classes. She got so annoyed she called me a werewolf and always asked me if it was full moon tonight. And she made me stand by the blackboard to clean the board for her after she wrote so that I couldn't distract the people around me. She was disappointed with my PSLE results. But she's the one teacher I go back to visit.
Lower secondary was one experience which I hardly remember, mainly because I'm no longer in contact with my best friends then.Cheuk Yin, Cheuk Wai, Elaine and Rosemarie.
Upper secondary was where I met my girls. You babes are the best. I shared my best memories school memories with you and our class, Mr Tan, Mrs Teo, Madam Tan, Chiam lao-shi... Thanks for the wonderful memories and the priceless experiences.
Australia was a completely difference experience.It was really about taking care of myself, and at the same time looking out for the people around me. In short, it's where I actually grew up. Uni has been my God-given gift of being among the best brains in Australia. Over the years, I have been humbled by their humility and strengthened by their support. In Uni, I glimsped the way the World works - mechanically, commercially, and most valuablly, I sneaked a preview on how it works inter-personally.
As I handed my exam script to the invigilator, I thought of my parents. Congratulations Papa and Mummy - You have just successfully seen your firstborn through her academic life.
I am 21. I'm young, dynamic and I'm high on life. My school these years have moulded me well, and my Graduation ceremony will really be my initiation ceremony.
It really says 'the world is out there, go get it'.
Hello World, brace yourself for me.
+ Flisha spoke @ 6:29 pm
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