Wednesday, September 29, 2004
beautiful things.
It was Pat's birthday yesterday.
Happy 21st babe!
We spent the entire dinner and drinks after that talking about 'growing up'!!(??)
And then Diane and I did the craziest but nicest thing ever.
Heeheehee we braved the cold and the rain and the security guards to walk into the casino to eat the $2 fish and chips.
And went for coffee halfway in our walk back.
Coffee itself was one eventful time.
Yes papa, I know it was the mooncake festival, because this dude Diane asked if the place was still open, came up and presented us with a whole entire mooncake!
I thought that was just hilarious.
I once wrote that blogging is a wonderful thing because it helps me record the beautiful stuff that has been happening, which always makes me happy.
I'm happy :D
So here's one more beautiful update -
I've found an Angel in my life.
Thank God for my Angel.
+ Flisha spoke @ 9:14 am