Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Have pretty much had all my intro lectures (have the last one today)
Most of them teach us how to study (just sit down and put in effort)
When to study (as often as possible)
What to study (the subject that is being lectured)
Dumb huh.
But I've started learning new stuff already as well.
Told my dad yesterday that I'm starting to feel like an engineer.
Hope this feeling holds out :D
Speaking of feeling good about school, Teresa has been pretty well motivated these 3 days of school.
She's been waking up real early to start getting ready...
And preparing to study hard this semester...
I reckon she has to... the 2nd-in-the-making dentists have about 31 hours on a bad week and 28 on a good week.
So now I'm feeling bad about complaining about my 22 hours...
Which is already way more than the average 15 hours that most people I know have...
Would be cool if we all do well together.
Oh yeah, anybody else wanna go watch the Grand Prix on Sunday?
+ Flisha spoke @ 6:15 am