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Monday, February 02, 2004
It is so easy to see anything in a postive light
It's just as simple to be convinced that anything is bad.
Life as a Student is Not Easy.
Some people are just born to breeze through it.
Lots of people aren't.
But whether they breeze through it or not, they still face it.
To various extents, we students are pressured.
By various bodies of people ranging from the government and our parents, to the society, then to the education system, and down to our principals, who then psych the teachers... who in turn pressure the students... so that they pressure each other.
To do well academically.
That, for a lot of people, is a big enough headache.
Then there is that expectation that we've got to excel in our co curricular activities...
And our own hobbies - dance, music...
And no man is an island - so we need to maintain relationships with our families and friends.
Then some of us juggle in issues - boyfriends, girlfriends...
Somehow after all that, we still find the time to entertain ourselves - Theatre, shopping, eating out, recreational activities...
New issue - Money (for obvious reasons).
The general crowd of international students without family where they're studying go through additional crap.
It's mainly because we don't have our parents to do stuff for us.
- There's that aura of independence that floats around - it's constantly in our heads that we don't have our parents to fall back so easily on. Stress.
- We've gotta pay our own bills and keep track of the money coming in and going out. Responsibilities for our stuff.
- Take good care of ourselves - remembering to eat healthily (maybe that's just for me). Responsiblity for oneself.
- We take care of our friends. Just like they look after us and offer us their ever constant support. Responsibility for others.
- You put up with petty and difficult landlords, look for acceptable accomodation which is in line with you budget, compete (as full time students) with working people with stable inflow of money for apartments...
Living and working with disliked people.
As if that's not enough, there are men who turn out to be sexually deprived grandfathers who betray your trust in them.
My friend,
All it takes is for this sexually deprived grandfather to affect your sanity.
And you retreat into a tiny dimension in your own universe and seal it off anything that tries to come into it.
Your friends see you distance.
They try to bring you out back into the 'real material world'.
I don't know why things happen to some people and not to others.
And it's easy for me to say what I say because I reckon I've had it easier than a lot of my peers.
But we all go through these while being students, but really as our parents' children, growing up into adolescents and young adults.
As students, we taste the world outside the comforts of our homes.
Slowly, but surely, we step more and more...
Into the world...
In it's full glory...
Of joys, laughter, friendship, love, successes....
And diseases.
Don't EVER forget what you're here for - to experience The World.
+ Flisha spoke @ 8:06 pm
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